From the Head Of Institution Desk

I have joined in this educational institution as the Headmaster on 24th july, 2019. This institution has been running successfully and proudly since 1918, over 100 years. Our institution, ' Barrackpore Debiprosad High School' is the pride of Barrackpore. Not only that this renowned institution is the hope and aspiration of the poor and backward students of the locality too.The academic performance of this institution is remarkable in both secondary and Higher secondary levels . Every  staff of this institution , both Teaching and non - teaching is very sincere , helpful and dedicated to the students . This institution has been working sincerely and didicatedly towards the all - round development of the students - mental, physical , emotional and spinitual. The staff, especially the teachers, have been working hard for the development of literary skills, creative thinking and self development of the students . Above all the environment of this century - old institution is very inspiring for good and proper education. We have advanceed laboratory facilities with modern equipments,  computer facilities with projector supported by adeguate number of computers, well developed play ground with different sports facilities under experienced guidance of instruetor.