Rules & Regulations

1. Every student must follow the rules of school strictly. They should treat the school building and all furniture and laboratory equipments as their own property and hence not destroy or them. They must not touch any electric point or any thing which runs on electricity.

2. Each and every student must attend the prayer hall by 10.40am. No student will be allowed in the school premisses beyond the scheduled time.

3. According to the WBBSE 75% attendence of all students is a must. Defaulter student should not be allowed to seat in any Examination of the school.

4. All students should wear proper uniform everyday. Class V to VII student should wear deep green half pant, half sleeve, white shirt, black shoe, white socks, green tie and badge. Class VIII to X students should wear deep green trouser, white full sleeve shirt, black shoe, white socks, green tie and badge. During winter all should wear deep green sweater.  Use of black belt is compulsory. All should be neatly dressed and hair should be cut short. No ornament should be domed in hands or ear.

5. No one should leave the campuse without the permission of HM/AHM. Absent letter duly written on the diary and sign by the guardian of the student is compulsory.

6. attendance of student is a must every year on 26th January and 15th August. The attendance carries extra marks.

7. School fees should be given by the month of February annualy.

8. Application for TC should be given within 15 January otherwise total fees should be paid to get the TC.

9. Acording to the board's rules the school starts at 10.50am and dissolves at 4.30pm.

10. Without admit card no student is allowed to seat for any Examination.

11. Progress reports should be handed over to guardian duly  in the parents - teacher's meeting.

12. Pass mark for promotion to next higher class is as directed by the WBBSE. Medical certificate is considered in extreme cases only.

13. Student of class IX and X can collect library books for reference work and take this to their houses only to be return within the due time. Defaulter are to be fined. Student of class VI to VIII can seat in the library and read during the library period.

14. Without permission from the HM or AHM no student is allowed to bring mobile phone in school. No student should stand outside his class during the school hours.

15. Guardian's can meet HM or AHM daily after 2pm and class teachers or other any teacher on tuesday 2pm and on saturday 12.10pm.

16. Every student should bring their own water bottle, tifin box or any other untensil to take the mid day meal. Student of class IX and X should bring their own tiffin to school since no one is allowed to go out side the campus during the break.