
In the year 1947, 18 th August Gandhiji appeared in our school ...... the golden memory of our school " Barrackpore Debiprasad High School" ..... the age old educational institution possesses some remarkable historical background that can never be ignored of this centre of learning and reading was established in 1904, Though unofficially. At that time name of this distinuished institution was " Debiprasad H E (higher english) school. The bschool leaving examination was termed as " The Entrance Examination". This institution continued its goal of spreading education among the masses upto 1917, without the official approval of British Govt.

No discussion of  " Barrackpore Debiprasad High School" is complete without mentioning a great name ...... The founder of this institution, respected " Debiprasad Agarwal" it is learned from a reliable source that Mr. Debiprasad Agarwal, a renouned non - bengali ginious person, in 1903-1904, donated the south facing block of this institrution along with a few bighas of vacant land to set up this institution to spread education, perticularly for the residents of Barrackpore, Debiprasad Agarwal wealthly but ginious person, had good conections with the English Authority and also with the Zaminders. For the dual purpose of spreading education and business and both the English and non- bengali traders wanted to be familier with the Indian languages, especially with the bengali language. Debiprasad babu suddenly came across a bangali - youth named Khetramohan Bhattacharyya who was very friendly with the english and also familier with their language. Debiprasad babu, though rich generous and kind hearted did not have any child. He was mentally shattered and become worried about his property and wealth. At this juncture, It was Khetramohan Bhattacharyya who inspired him to donate his property for the nobel cause of mankind and Debiprasad babu, taking his advice, donated his huge building for the spread of Education. In 1904. this building was transformed into a graet, prestigious, trusted Educational Institution....'

"Barrackpore Debiprasad High School" a graet name to reckon with this institution earned the approval of the appropriate authority in 1918( from Calcutta University).

In 1952 " School final the newly transformed name of the school leaving examination was introduced to this school. on january 1, 1959, for the first time our prestigious institution was transformed into " class XI H.S " school qand got the approval from the WBBSE. in those years, after the successful completion of class IX course, students could take either the Science or the Arts stream. Unfotunately, Commerce stream was not in motion.

In 1974 a graet change occured regarding the infrastructure of the schools of west Bengal " Class XI Higher Secondary"  system was abolished and a new system of 10+2 was introduced to all the dear institution only earned the status of Madhyamik School ( Class V-X) and this new status continued till 1984.

on July 1, 1984 due to the remarkable efforts of the then Managing Committee and the teaching and the non-teaching staff, Our school got tranformed into the Higher Secondary School( comprising of class XI & XII). Since then our Higher Secondary section has been journeyingsuccessfully, with co-educational status, with a great mission of spreading education among the boys and girls to make them perfect citizens of our country by the Midas touch of our teachers.