From the Head Of Institution Desk

Garden Reach Mudiali High School is one of the greatest ancient traditional schools in this area and since its birth (1856) it is determined to spread education as a social duty and responsibility. Like others the present and future teachers will be able to retain glory of this institution. This is my firm belief.

Not only the students but also the collective effort of all the teaching and non-teaching staff, guardians and eminent educationists in this locality will continue to compose the successful history of this school.

Modern generation pay sincere gratitude to those great men who tried hard to burn the candle of light to spread Universal education by establishing this Institute. Two things are there for the students not only theoretical education, but also the education which gives birth to science-based knowledge. The students, the future citizen of the country should follow the education according to Swami Vivekananda “We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”