Rules & Regulations

  • As the school starts at 11.30 a.m., every student must enter into the school-premises within 11.25 a.m.
  • Every student must attend the class wearing neat and clean school uniform.
  • Carrying mobile phones by the students inside the school-premises is strictly prohibited.
  • The students must bring the school-diary everyday.
  • Inside the classrooms the students should remain calm and quiet to create the teaching-learning atmosphere.
  • Seventy-five percentage attendance in the class of the respective students is mandatory.
  •  If a student becomes absent for two or three days, he / she must produce the guardians’ letters citing the reason to their respective class teachers.
  • For the prolonged absence like one week or more days they must produce the medical certificate by the Registered medical practitioner to the class teacher.
  • No student can leave the school without the permission of the authority.
  • Half-day leave or early leave or early leave will not be granted to the students.
  • During the leisure-time the students (V-VIII) must take mid-day meal or home-made tiffin. Out-side food must be avoided.
  • The students must obey the Class-Monitors and Floor-Monitors selected by the authority to maintain the discipline.
  • The students should not come to school with ill-health.
  • The guardians will be allowed the meet the Headmaster at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday) and at 2 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. (Saturday).
  • The students will be punished for the unruly behaviour and noncompliance of the rules and regulations of the institution.
  • To conclude, every student should consider this institution as the place of worship of each religion for acquiring knowledge and take oath to maintain discipline, sanctity, decorum of this institution.