REF: PBSSM / HOOG /MDM- Distribution / 2020-21/520 (90) Date:28/08/2020
It is hereby notified to all concern that the distribution of MDM Rice (2 kg) , Potato (1Kg ) , Chhole (1 Kg) & Shop (1 pc) for the Month of September 2020 is going to be held on & from 08/9/2020 as per Schedule mentioned below:
Date |
Class |
Time |
08/09/2020 Tuesday |
V |
10:30 AM to 11:30AM |
08/09/2020 Tuesday |
VI |
11:30 AM to 12:30AM |
09/09/2020 Wednesday |
10:30 AM To 11:30AM |
09/09/2020 Wednesday |
11:30 AM to 12:30AM |
N.B. : Only Guardians will be allowed to collect the above mentioned item maintaining COVID’19 Protocol.