Rules & Regulations

Rules Regulations

1) ‘’ shraddhaban lavate gnanam’’ …..keeping these words in mind students should maintain good conduct politeness in school and outside.

2) The first and foremost duty of a student is to study. Formation of good character and sound mind in sound body is the key foundation of good education.

3) Every student and his / her guardian should make an effort to uphold the reputation of the school.

4) Guardians are allowed to meet the Headmaster from 2 p.m to 4 pm.

5) Every student must come to school in proper school uniform.

6) Every student must bring school Diary on all working days.It is mandatory for all to attend prayer.

7) Students are forbidden to leave school without the permission of the Headmaster.

8) Every student should participate in co- curricular activities.

9) Every student should come to school daily.If he / she is absent, he / she must submit leave application, countersigned by guardian, to the class teacher.

10)75% attendance per term is mandatory. Otherwise he / she will be debarred from taking test / exam.

11) Every guardian is requested not to send his / her wards if he/ she is sick/afflicted by / exposed to infectious diseases.