Rules & Regulations

1. The observance of rules of discipline and good behaviour shall be a precondition to  

    Students’ continuance in school.


2. Pupils must attend prayer at 10.30 a.m. under no circumstances shall a pupil be allowed

    to enter the school after the classes have begun.


3. A clean and tidy uniform must be worn at all times.


4. Pupils are not permitted to attend school if unwell or suffering from an infectious disease.


5. Irregular and insufficient attendance may prevent promotion. The perquisite for sitting

    for any school examination is 75% of attendance.


6. Damage to school property should be compensated by the parents/guardians or the

    pupils concerned.


7. All letters concerning children must be addressed to the Headmaster through the Class    



8. Pupils who have been absent from school for a long time must have the reason entered in

    the regularity record, stating the reason of their absence.


9. If a child is absent for more than 3 (three) days at a stretch, on account of illness, medical 

    certificate must be produced.


10. One calendar month’s notice is necessary for withdrawal of a child from the school.


11. No transfer certificate will be issued unless all dues to date are cleared.


12. No child shall be permitted to leave school during school hours without the permission

      of the Headmaster.


13. Parents and guardians are requested not to come to collect their children more than 10

       minutes before the school breaks up for the day.


14. A child’s name and class must be clearly written on his school bag, tiffin box and water

      bottle for identification. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any valuable

      article brought by the students.


15. Students are strictly forbidden to buy eatables from street vendors.


16. A student must not lend or borrow money or any other article to or from any other student.


17. A transfer certificate will be issued in favour of a student who fails twice in the same class.


18. No appeal from the parents/guardians of the plucked students shall be entertained in

      connection with the promotion to the next class or revision of marks awarded in the exams.

      The decision of the authority or the teacher concerned shall be deemed full and final.







1. Pupils should be encouraged to participate in various co-curricular activities of the school.

    They should also be persuaded to study more on their own at home.


2. Pupils must bring their School Diaries to class everyday and those should be perused by

    parents at home.


3. Pupils must be guided at home to realise and appreciate the importance of discipline and

    conduct in the school.


4. They must be made aware of the necessity of maintaining clean and healthy habits.


5. Parents/Guardians are not permitted to meet the teacher when in class. They may meet

    the teachers only with the prior permission of the Head of the Institution.


6. Any change in address/telephone number must immediately be notified to school in writing.