Students must be present in the school premises by 10:00 AM.
Every student should attend the general assembly compulsorily.
Every student must have 75% attendance in order to appear at the examination of her respective class.
No leave of absence would be granted without valid reason. Guardians’ cooperation in this regard is solicited.
Days of absences must be recorded in school-diary, and must be produced to & approved by the class-teachers as well.
A student is promoted to next class on the basis of all summative evaluations in an academic year.
Answer-scripts of 1st& 2nd summative evaluations are sent home with the students, only to be signed by the guardian and returned to the class teachers.
Progress reports are delivered to the candidates, to be signed by the guardian and returned to the class teachers, except for the annual examination.
A damage Charge of Rs. 5/- will be charged on loss or damage of the progress report and for obtaining a duplicate progress report.