Rules & Regulations

General Rules :

The following rules are required to be strictly adhered to :

  • Pupils must attend the School regularly and punctually. Late-comers will normally be sent back home.
  •  A clean and neat uniform must be worn at all times. Pupils in dirty or untidy uniforms may not be allowed to attend classes. Pupils of Classes VI to VIII must wear the physical education uniform on the days they have physical education classes.
  • Pupils are not allowed to attend School when sick and/or suffering from an infectious disease. Any pupil found appearing for a class work/test with an infectious disease will have his/her class work/test cancelled.
  • Pupils must complete their homework regularly.
  • Pupils are required to address their teachers and all other members of teaching and non-teaching staff with due respect and politeness. They are expected to behave always in a proper manner, befitting the dignity of the School.
  • No pupil is allowed to leave the School premises earlier than the scheduled leaving hours.
  • Pupils of Class VI will be allowed to leave only with their guardians or escorts, on production of their identity cards. No pupil will be allowed to leave alone.
  • No book, periodical or newspaper of any objectionable nature shall be brought to School.
  • Pupils are not permitted to wear any ornaments or gold jewellery and to carry with them any expensive objects to School.
  • Any change in the pupil’s profile, including change of address, phone no. etc. should immediately be informed in writing. For change in address, the application must be signed by both parents/guardians.
  • Pupils of Classes VI to VIII are to bring their own plates to obtain their mid-day meal from the mid-day meal room. 
  •  No programme or party is to be arranged in the School without prior permission of the authorities.
  • It is not possible for the School personnel to deliver individual articles (water bottle, tiffin box, sweater, etc.) to the classroom of the concerned pupil if for any reason he/she has forgotten to bring it. Kindly ensure that the pupil is carrying the required articles.
  • Cell phones/ Mobile phones are not allowed in school as they will cause distraction for both students and teachers. Even the classes might get disturbed if any student is found fiddling with their phone. Moreover, school has its own telephones which the students can use if needed.
  • Students must keep their hair neat, tidy and well combed. Girls should plait their hair. They must not let the hair loose. Wearing fancy and colourful hair clips and ear rings are not allowed. Makeup and nail varnish are unacceptable. Girls are instructed not to wear ankle socks. Boys must have regular hair cut.
  • Students should have clean and trimmed nails.


Absence :

  • Pupils, absent from School, must produce a letter and an entry in the Regularity Record of their School Diary by their guardians explaining the cause of absence.
  • A formal letter, accompanied by a medical certificate, is necessary in case of sickness for over three days. If there be an appointment with a doctor, the pupil must not be sent to the School on that day.
  • Pupils afflicted by infectious diseases or exposed to such diseases must complete the QUARANTINE PERIOD of 14 days before rejoining School. A medical fitness certificate by the attending physician must be handed over to the class teacher at the time of rejoining the classes.
  • All leave applications, addressed to the Principal, clearly stating the name of the pupil, class, section and session.
  • Irregular and insufficient attendance may prevent promotion. Minimum attendance must be 75% of the number of School days.
  • Willful absenteeism before any test / exam without grant of leave is strictly discouraged as the absentees miss valuable revision lessons and helpful suggestions, entirely to their disadvantage. Thus such pupils may be debarred from taking the respective examination.
  • In case of ailment during exams, guardians are to see the Principal (during visiting hours only) with the leave applications and necessary medical certificates etc.


Library Rules :

For smooth running of the Library, several rules have been laid down for students -

  • Library Membership Cards are issued to students at the beginning of a session which they must return before the Annual Examination or in case of leaving School. Duplicate Library Cards are issued on payment of ₹ 10 at the Fees Counter. Library Cards are non-transferable.
  • No pupil is allowed to enter the Library without a valid Card (with a photograph attached).
  • Pupils are advised to bring the loss of the Card to the Librarian’s notice immediately.
  • A book issued must be returned within the date stamped on the date label. It may be renewed if no other pupil has placed a request for it.
  • Before entering the Library, personal things such as bags, portfolios, attaché cases or books not meant for the Library, must be kept outside.
  • Members must check the condition of a book before borrowing it. A torn/damaged book must be brought to the Librarian’s notice immediately. If borrowers are held responsible for the loss, damage, defacement or mutilation of books, they will have to compensate the Library in a manner to be determined by the Librarian.
  • The Library is the place for study only. Books returned late and misuse of the Library may result in temporary or permanent withdrawal of Library privileges.
  • Users must maintain silence inside the Library. They must observe the basic principles of Library ethics and follow the discipline enforced by the Librarian.